20 September 2009

Well, need to do some dusting of this blog space. Nothing(literally) much has been going on really. First and foremost, goodbye to the month of Ramadhan may we meet again next year and Selamat Hari Raya to all. Yes, again I would like to rant about my NS, something that has been bugging me since FOREVER. Well life is short, 6 months do sounds like forever, unless you are talking about the life of a star where eternal means nothing. Back to topic, after waiting and hoping for the letter bearing the enlisment date for so long, I had decided to call the NS helpdesk. After my first question the operator asked me to hold on for a sec and I heard the rattling sound of the keyboard. Whether or not she did it with purpose I did not know, she could be feigning efficiency. She came back to me, "The ESTIMATION of you enlistment date would be around December". How convenient of her. That's like the only possilibity. I don't need her to tell me that. It's is already late September and I should only receive my enlistment notice 2 months prior to my enlisment(and i've not). I am supposed to start my NS by this year, unless their unefficiency could push my enlistment date to next year(when that happen I will have to kill someone).

That's all for now, hopefully will be able to key in the next entry in the nearest future.

whoelse on 10:02:00 pm